Alternatives? or Procedures?

“There are a thousand ways to kneel and kiss the ground; there are a thousand ways to go home again.”   ― Rumi

If someone is motivated to consider alternatives or options, the Rumi's quote may seem right to them.

On the other hand, if one is motivated by establishing and following procedures, then the quote may not be something with which they connect.

Interestingly, the language we use to communicate with and influence an individual with each of these patterns matters a lot.

If, for example, one uses "alternatives" or "options" language with someone who has a strong "procedures" motivational pattern, you may encounter resistance or a strong counter-argument for your idea or proposal.

The opposite would be true for using "procedures" language" with someone who has a strong "alternatives" pattern.

What's the point? Actually there are two:

It's neither simple nor easy. If it were, everyone would be instantly successful.

Live on. Learn on.