iWAM Professional Development Session #1
On June 12th, a group of iWAM Professionals gathered for a one-hour session focused on challenges related to interpreting the iWAM. The outline for the session was based on the paper, "That's not right!: Objections to iWAM Test Results"

This session focused on specific issues and scales related to interpretation.
The next session (date to be announced) will focus on the planning, organizing, and delivery of iWAM feedback.
For more information about the Inventory for Work Attitude and Motivation (iWAM), professional certification, or information about this or future webinars, contact carl@iWAMinstitute.com.
Note: iWAM Professional development sessions are open only to iWAM Certified Professionals and their colleagues who are involved in the administration and interpretation of the iWAM.